Carlotta Holton is an author/journalist with more than 25 years of experience and has to her credit more than 50 state and three national writing awards including The Award of Excellence in Cardiovascular Reporting from the American Heart Association for a series of articles in The New York Times. She was also named the Woman of Excellence in Journalims by the Union County NJ Freeholers. She is also listed in the 2005, Who in America. Her first book, Getting Out of Limbo (Serendipity Press 2000) won a best non-fiction award from the NJ Press Women Association. She earned a Master degree in the Humanities and Writintg from Kean Unviersity, Union, NJ and has taught in the English and Journalism departments at three New Jersey colleges. She has previsly worked as an editor for the Specialty Publications Divison of the Record of Bergen County, NJ. Holton resides with husband, James and son Mark who divide their time between Chester and Lavallette NJ and Missouri